Question 1. Don't you do exercise?
Ans:Please do understand even if you put heart and soul to your body, the nature will have its own way. At the end of the day, the final minute to safeguard the little one matters a lot.
Question 2: Life will not be same and you will gain 10 to 15 kgs soon, how will you manage?
Ans: yes, for every women the life is different after giving birth. It's does not matter it's vaginal or c-section birth, everyone will have increase in their weight. We are breastfeeding mom's, we eat alot!!!
Question 3: you can't give enough milk to you baby, becoz of your c-section gal!
Ans:Please be aware the body educate to give milk to the baby in the pregnancy phase itself. It starts producing milk as the baby grows in the womb. Only the born baby initiates the process, so it's get started. The more the mamma give the more the milk segregate. So c-sectioned mamma's can feed as equal as vaginal birth mamma's. So please stop asking this!!!
Question: I think you opt, c-section becoz it's less pain than a vaginal/normal delivery?
Ans: Do you know that uterus get cut on c-section ? About 7 Layers get dissected to reach the baby (YouTube it, please don't get fainted :P) No women, want ther uterus to cut just for a easy reason. It needs a big heart to accept and understand the process. Before understanding the process some women get it done in order due to safeguard or based on emergency of the situation.
Question to self:
Why I had c-section? I had duck walking, swimming, squats and followed healthy diet during pregnancy and where did I went wrong??
Ans: Gals, believe me don't let's your mind to go for postpartum depression. Everyone undergoes this after delivery, comparatively it's more on c-sectioned ladies. If you had all the above asked in question and still had c-section, don't feel. Actually it helps to bounce back to your normal routine soon. You can manage your things on your own in few days compared to the person who didn't had all this exercises during pregnancy.
Please understand c-section is not a sin, lotto gals who had normal delivery have back pain and health issues too. We just want to have healthy baby at the end of our terms, that's matter at the end. Try a second chance, have VBAC. It's very normal these days and sure we can!!!
Please give your valuable comments!!!
Thank you
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